Say Goodbye to Cavities
Tooth decay is a problem that can affect anyone regardless of their age. However, the good news is that it is entirely preventable. Your teeth have three layers, namely the outside layer (enamel), the middle layer (dentin), and the central layer (pulp). If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to other complications such as cavities (holes in the teeth), gum disease, or dental abscesses, which are pus-filled collections at the ends of the teeth or in the gums.

Some signs and symptoms of tooth decay include discolored teeth, bad breath, toothache, sensitivity to cold or heat, and loose fillings. In severe cases, the decay may be so extensive that the tooth has to be removed. We have a team of experienced dental professionals who use advanced techniques to provide professional tooth cavity treatment that restores the health and aesthetics of your smile.
Therefore, to preserve your smile, schedule an appointment with our staff at The Dental Lounges for a complete examination.